News Home | News View the latest expert news from the NUVIA Group View the latest expert news from the NUVIA Group All entities Benelux Czech Republic Canada Germany China France India Middle East Nordic Slovakia United Kingdom USA All activities Mechanical systems & Processes Civil engineering & Special works Logistics & Operations Health Physics, Safety and Measurement Passive protection Engineering & EPC Filter No posts found. 10/01/2025 Shielded gate and door to new X-Ray workplace of the Dukovany NPP nuvia-czech-republic 10/01/2025 Fuel your Future: Careers in Clean Energy Webinar nuvia-united-kingdom 27/11/2024 NUVIA wins the “Adaptation to climate change” prize at the VINCI Environment Awards with NuFOAM! nuvia-france 17/10/2024 NUVIA AWARDED SD4 CONTRACT FOR REACTOR DISMANTLING AT TRAWSFYNYDD nuvia-united-kingdom 04/10/2024 New Global Site Assistance Services contract at Gravelines nuvia-france 30/09/2024 Job opportunities in Sweden nuvia-nordic 27/09/2024 NUVIA Instruments: Driving Sustainability Forward nuvia-germany 24/09/2024 Successful installation of the neutron cap for the BEER instrument nuvia-czech-republic 23/09/2024 NUVIA UK support social inclusion charities with over £20k in grants through the VINCI UK Foundation nuvia-united-kingdom 19/09/2024 NUVIA awarded by E-FUSION in Abu Dhabi middle-east 09/09/2024 Nomination of the Director of Sales and Proposal Development for TSSD nuvia-usa 30/08/2024 Nomination of the new CEO of NUVIA Slovakia slovakia 16/07/2024 Successful underwater intervention at Cruas Meysse nuclear power plant nuvia-france 03/07/2024 TWO NEW PROJECTS IN BELGIUM nuvia-czech-republic 02/07/2024 NUVIA strengthens its range of industrial services by acquiring MBO Groupe in France nuvia-france 02/05/2024 NUVIA AWARDED 3 BEACH AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING CONTRACTS nuvia-united-kingdom 29/04/2024 NUVIA receives RoSPA Patron’s Award. nuvia-united-kingdom 08/04/2024 We are equipping the PET/CT outpatient clinic at the Military University Hospital in Prague! nuvia-czech-republic 08/04/2024 The largest radon chamber to date was made by our colleagues in Trebic nuvia-czech-republic 04/04/2024 NUVIA strengthens its presence in the United States by acquiring TSSD Services, Inc. nuvia-usa 19/03/2024 Signature of a partnership with WiN France nuvia-france 22/01/2024 NUVIA expanded the technological equipment of the Firefighting Institute nuvia-czech-republic 14/01/2024 NUVIA WINS MAGNOX SD3 CONTRACT AS PART OF TRAWSFYNYDD DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAMME nuvia-united-kingdom 22/12/2023 Practical insights into handling radioactive radiation for MTR students from Münster nuvia-germany 22/12/2023 NUVIA signs a major contract in Sweden for nuclear decommissioning nuvia-nordic 13/12/2023 NUVIA Careers Evening nuvia-united-kingdom 06/12/2023 WE CAN PREDICT EARTHQUAKES nuvia-czech-republic 06/12/2023 WE CONTINUE TO MONITOR THE ENVIRONMENT nuvia-czech-republic 06/12/2023 WE ARE EQUIPPING THE NUCLEAR MEDICINE CLINIC nuvia-czech-republic 06/12/2023 REPLACEMENT OF SAMPLING BOXES nuvia-czech-republic 06/12/2023 WE ARE UPGRADING SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS AT SLOVAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS nuvia-czech-republic 20/09/2023 NUVIA secures five-year Radiation Monitoring Network maintenance and upgrade contract nuvia-united-kingdom 02/08/2023 SHOWCASING THE FUTURE OF NUCLEAR: NUVIA TO PLAY PROMINENT ROLE AT NUCLEAR WEEK IN PARLIAMENT 2023 19/07/2023 New device for measuring the hydrogen concentration in the primary circuit of a nuclear reactor and software for its prediction nuvia-czech-republic 30/06/2023 NUVIA, Rainham Industrial Services and Hughes & Salvidge have come together to form Metis. nuvia-united-kingdom 27/06/2023 NUVIA a.s. and NUVIA Služby s.r.o. signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the ZVVZ! nuvia-czech-republic 21/06/2023 NUVIA Czech Republic started construction of new production and administrative premises nuvia-czech-republic 26/04/2023 NUVIA UK to deliver a feasibility study for a nuclear medicine production facility in north Wales nuvia-united-kingdom 31/03/2023 NUVIA was involved in the installation of one of the largest fire protection systems at the Dukovany NPP. nuvia-czech-republic 31/03/2023 MOU signed between NUVIA and Abu Dhabi Polytechnic middle-east 02/02/2023 Enabling conversations between MPs and industry, NUVIA sponsors Nuclear Week in Parliament 2023 nuvia-united-kingdom 31/01/2023 Revolutionising the disposal of nuclear waste with MALLET nuvia-united-kingdom 31/01/2023 NUVIA is delighted to be a sponsor of Nuclear Week in Parliament. nuvia-united-kingdom 30/01/2023 Technical Meeting on the Use of Uncrewed Aerial Systems for Radiation Detection and Surveillance nuvia-czech-republic 30/01/2023 New compact device for marking film dosimeters nuvia-czech-republic 30/01/2023 New subsidiary within Soletanche Freyssinet nuvia-czech-republic 30/01/2023 Modernization of the software application at the Nuclear Power Plants in Slovakia nuvia-czech-republic 30/01/2023 Production line for assembly, adjustment and testing of light modules with DLP projector nuvia-czech-republic 16/12/2022 NUVIA is delighted to announce the signature of a new contract with Vattenfall. nuvia-nordic 21/11/2022 NUVIA is delighted to partner with Oxford Sigma, the University of Oxford and Singapore University of Technology and Design… nuvia-united-kingdom 11/10/2022 We are delighted that NUVIA has been awarded a project for waste characterization automation at Doel NPP in Belgium. benelux 07/10/2022 Decontamination, a historical activity of NUVIA that was celebrated during our recent “Decontamination Workshops” in Pierrelatte. 27/09/2022 Nuclear applications in… archaeology 08/09/2022 Enabling conversations between MPs and industry, NUVIA sponsors Nuclear Week in Parliament 2022 nuvia-united-kingdom 30/08/2022 NUVIA take on Health Physics contracts at Magnox’s Chapelcross, Dungeness A, Hinkley Point A and Sizewell A sites nuvia-united-kingdom 10/05/2022 NUVIA UK have just been awarded the RoSPA Patron’s Award nuvia-united-kingdom 10/05/2022 NUVIA enhances its mechanical expertise with the acquisition of the know-how of SIT Châtellerault. 30/03/2022 Development of New Offering Dedicated to Hyperbaric Works in Pools nuvia-france 21/02/2022 NUVIA to provide EDF with Fuel Flask Multi-Counter Equipment at AGR stations. nuvia-united-kingdom 20/12/2021 Nuvia UK made the finalist at the prestigious ECI Training and Development Awards nuvia-united-kingdom 16/12/2021 Celebrating recognition of 24 consecutive years of gold standard safety! nuvia-united-kingdom 15/12/2021 Projects supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic nuvia-czech-republic 07/12/2021 The official registration of NUVIA SIGMA in Abu Dhabi has been signed middle-east 02/12/2021 NUVIA and the Ministry of Defence complete a key milestone in the delivery of the Reactor Pressure Vessel Transport Container nuvia-united-kingdom 01/12/2021 Signing of the framework contract for the renewal of the NUVIA – CEA-List joint laboratory 24/09/2021 NOVAPAK Radioactive Material Transport Package Fleet Now Fully in Service in the UK nuvia-united-kingdom 09/08/2021 New partnership of NUVIATech Instruments with Genetec 21/07/2021 STABCOR Project for Safer Nuclear Installations nuvia-france 15/07/2021 3rd regulatory examination passed on the ten-yearly visit of Cattenom 3! nuvia-france 04/06/2021 Descaling Operations for Cooling Towers nuvia-france 12/05/2021 NUVIA Protection in the Spotlight nuvia-france 26/04/2021 Mobile Environmental Monitoring System for Radiation Safety in Saudi Arabia nuvia-czech-republic 15/04/2021 NUVIA Will Design and Supply Shielding Structures for the Jülich Research Institute nuvia-czech-republic 02/04/2021 NUVIA Secure Continuation of Health Physics Services in the UK nuvia-united-kingdom 01/04/2021 New Milestone on the Extraordinary Extrados Site of the Cattenom 3 Enclosure nuvia-france 05/03/2021 NUVIA CZ supports Ukrainian NPP safety nuvia-czech-republic 05/03/2021 NUVIA joins FORATOM Association 05/03/2021 NUVIA committed to training and supplying Health Physics resource to Dounreay (DSRL) nuvia-united-kingdom 05/03/2021 ITER renews its confidence in NUVIA with signature of LTCC framework contract nuvia-france 05/03/2021 Successful completion of the security research project RAMESIS in Czech Republic nuvia-czech-republic 05/03/2021 NUVIA CZ has signed an important Memorandum of Understanding with the Korean KHNP nuvia-czech-republic 05/03/2021 New Global Site Assistance Services for EDF NPP nuvia-france 05/03/2021 NUVIA awarded the Advanced Transition Works contract by Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) nuvia-united-kingdom 05/03/2021 Contract award to deliver R&D support to the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) nuvia-united-kingdom 04/03/2021 Update on Our Latest Dosimetry Developments nuvia-czech-republic 04/03/2021 Reactor Pressure Vessel Transport Container Contract Award in the UK nuvia-united-kingdom 05/11/2020 NUVIA has entered into an agreement with a company producing radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostics and medical research. nuvia-czech-republic 26/05/2020 NUVIA awarded a place on Higher Activity Waste Framework, by Radioactive Waste Management Limited in the UK nuvia-united-kingdom 07/05/2020 NUVIA secures a place on the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) Nuclear Technical Support Provider (NTSP) Framework. 28/04/2020 Success for NUVIA in the RoSPA Awards 03/03/2020 NUVIA Access on Gravelines NPP site nuvia-france 03/03/2020 ITER, a true craftsmanship 03/03/2020 NEW PROJECT DELIVERY nuvia-czech-republic 28/01/2020 LILLA Facility Project nuvia-czech-republic 17/10/2019 NUVIA wins a major contract in radiation protection services for Bruce Power. nuvia-canada 08/10/2019 Acquisition of ELAJO’s Engineering in Sweden nuvia-nordic 20/06/2019 NUVIA wins prestigious health and safety awards nuvia-united-kingdom 16/05/2019 Nuvia awarded a place on Dounreay Site Restoration Limited (DSRL)’s major Decommissioning Services Framework. nuvia-united-kingdom 19/04/2019 Radiological Protection Training Centre opens in Canada nuvia-canada 16/11/2018 Showcasing NUVIATech Instruments at Raipur Airport nuvia-india 16/11/2018 NUVIA and GSF reinforce their industrial partnership with EDF nuvia-france 16/11/2018 NUVIA has been awarded a leading role in the government AMR F&D programme nuvia-united-kingdom 16/11/2018 Training on X-ray radiation protection and emergency management nuvia-india 16/11/2018 Fundamentals of Radiological Source Security nuvia-india 16/11/2018 NUVIA selected by Bruce Power to provide radiation protection services nuvia-canada 15/11/2018 Projects supported by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic nuvia-czech-republic