Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) is located on the western shore of Cape Cod Bay in the town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Power operations ceased at Pilgrim on May 31, 2019, and the fuel was permanently removed from the reactor vessel and placed in the spent fuel pool on June 9, 2019.

PNPS is also the site of the generally licensed Pilgrim Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). The PNPS and the Pilgrim ISFSI are owned by Holtec International, and the licensed decommissioning operator is Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC (HDI). HDI estimates that it will complete radiological decommissioning and release all portions of the site for unrestricted use except for the Pilgrim ISFSI by September 2027 (resulting in a “partial site release”).

TSSD has been working with HDI at Pilgrim since 2022 and expects the need for additional technical management positions and support personnel to increase through the life of the project.


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